"True wealth is one of the heart, not the purse"- Pathros (Patriarch of Antioch & All the East 1846-'94)
Based on reading on the quote I have gotten a bit confused with the part of the purse. But after reading wealth and made a connection. The connection I made was that money isn't the key to happiness only ones heart can truly be effective and not be moved by something that is not living or was living. This is true because I have seen examples of rich elderly men who have so much money from all the work they have accumulated but from doing that they have been losing time with their family who they have been probably neglecting. I seen this in movies also. Like an example is Home Alone which the kid has all the money he could use with his dads credit card. Soon he discovers that Christmas is better with family and that he misses them. All the candy and toys and room service could never amount of joy he receives from being with his family he discovers. I could relate to that because sometimes i decide not to go with my family to some places and I often get bored at home and wish to be with them. But some times I feel that its more important to be happy than wealthy. I would like to be to be both.
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